Possible motherboard fault?


Sep 17, 2016
Hello all, I have recently installed a new Xeon E3 1231 v3 in which i have developed problems explained here along with system specs: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3189286/xeon-1231-boot-issues.html

But, even though there was a thought of a RAM issue. I think this might be a motherboard issue because I have used both of my sticks on each dim slot 1 at a time and I also ran memory diagnosis in windows with no errors detected.

Dim slot 1 will work fine and post with BOTH sticks of RAM. But neither stick will work (causing a boot loop with both sticks) within dim slot 2. So I am starting to think that this is a MOBO problem.

If I am wrong please let me know, this is just a thought that I had after going through everything that I did above.


IFFFF, this is not the case. what is the next course of action?

Haven't had a chance to look yet.