Possible motherboard issue


Oct 15, 2017
This morning my pc started waking itself from sleep. It said it was a USB component so I disabled the mouses ability to wake from sleep. It happebed again so I figured it was the keyboard. After opening the on screen keyboard program I found that the shift key was being randomly activated. After unpluggong the keyboard the issue persisted. After a while, the key began getting stuck for prolongged periods of time. This would also seem to make my computer stuck on the bios screen when starting it. Had to unplug the keyboard when starting to get past it.

My motherboard is an ASRock 970 Extreme3 R2.0

The shift key being stuck makes using the pc quite difficult. It makes it seem like a motherboard issue but I'm unsure. Any help would be appreciated.
First step is to move your keyboard to different USB port. If that fixes problem, means you have a problem with USB port (could be hardware, but could be software too). If that changes nothing, then it could be problem with keyboard itself, or its drivers. Start with reinstalling keyboard drivers. Also test your keyboard at different machine, test different keyboard at your machine. That should give you enough data to find guilty component.
I don't get one thing though. You wrote:
After unpluggong the keyboard the issue persisted.
What exactly you mean? Even with no keyboard Windows was registering shift key as pressed?
First step is to move your keyboard to different USB port. If that fixes problem, means you have a problem with USB port (could be hardware, but could be software too). If that changes nothing, then it could be problem with keyboard itself, or its drivers. Start with reinstalling keyboard drivers. Also test your keyboard at different machine, test different keyboard at your machine. That should give you enough data to find guilty component.
I don't get one thing though. You wrote:
After unpluggong the keyboard the issue persisted.
What exactly you mean? Even with no keyboard Windows was registering shift key as pressed?
Alright so after getting a hold of a laptop to test the keyboard, it was the keyboard itself. Seems like the mechanical switch is broke/stuck on. Tried blowing compressed air etc. No luck. I'll just have to disable left shift untill I can get a new keyboard.

Thanks for the help.