Possible PC crash by GPU


Aug 2, 2015
Hello guys.

I have a GTX 670 4GB asus in my PC. It's 2-3 years old. My PC was cleaned around 1 month ago.

4 days ago, my PC froze while I was playing CSGO. When I rebooted the PC after that, It said windows stopped unexpectedly. The dump said I had a bluescreen, but ofc t he bluescreen didn't popup.

Now that thing kept going all the time when I was playing CSGO, and sometimes my ASUS card even gave sounds (1 long, 3 short which means RAM or Video card problems.) I used the reset button after that, but It didn't boot up, kept playing the sound. I turned my PC off for like 1-2 mins, and It turned on successfully. The last time I checked my GPU was on 41 Celsius, which is completely normal, but I didn't check It all the time though.

First I thought this is a hardware problem. I tested my RAM with windows memory tester in the bios, It passed.

I waited for like 2 days, I didn't dare to play anything, the problem didn't show up. Now yesterday, I was playing CSGO on my third account (In the morning), I didn't dare to play ranked. All was running fine, nothing happened. I went back to my first account afternoon, around 6-7 PM. I successfully played a match, but.... While I was playing ranked, and the match was almost finished suddenly my csgo poped back to the tray, the computer didn't freeze a CMD file ran, and closed instantly. I became very afraid. After I finished the match I started scanning the PC, but 15-20 mins later mc PC froze while I was on the desktop.

The same thing happened today, without CSGO, without the cmd, I was just on the desktop and running more programs that I usually do.

I'm currently in safe-mode. Anyone has any kind of ideas/could confirm that this might be a virus or something that causes my pc to overload?

Any advice would be appreaciated.



Aug 3, 2015
Hm... seems like a software problem to me.Check your ram with memtest 86+ 5.01,and you hdd for any bad sectors.Also is your card oc'ed?When your pc crashes is it because "Nvidia kepler driver has stopped working and it has been recovered" or something like that? Otherwise i recommend a clean install of windows 7 or 8.1


Aug 2, 2015

Maybe. I don't know.

Well no, there are crashes where I have to reset my PC,but there are also times when my monitor shuts off.

I took it to the service, they tested It with 2 programs, the PC didn't crash. So yeah. I will know what's going on on monday.