Question Possible Power GPU issue.

Jul 4, 2018
Greeting Fellow Gaming Community, So I recently bought a RTX 4070ti and I was given a standard 3, 8pin adapter for my gpu. However my gpu occasionally has mouse skipping on my pc and I also had a random black screen for the first time on all my monitors for a couple seconds. My GPU is not faulty. I looked online there are apparently 2 different types of adapters for my RTX 4070ti. Is a 3, 8pin to 12 pin adapter enough for power delivery. Because apparently there is also a 4, 8 pin to a 12pin adapter. Is the 3 pin adapter not enough power delivery compared to a 4, 8 pin to 12 pin adapter. I noticed im getting random stuttering in my games and having these issues. Also rendering sometimes takes a sec for some reason. Trees, Foliage etc.
The error I received via Event Viewer- A caller specified the SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION flag in a call to the SetDisplayConfig() API.
I would greatly appreciate the community assistance in help to resolve this issue.
That connector is known as a 16pin connector. Got a link to the GPU you purchased?