[SOLVED] Possible PSU Issue Help

May 31, 2019
While gaming and playing Fortnite I have experienced several times a sudden crash the screen will freeze and go black and the monitor loses signal. This happens around 10-15 mins into the game every time and The only way for me to get back signal is holding down the power button and then turning the pc back on.

I've uninstalled GPU drivers and reinstalled them aswell as resetting pc and installing a fresh installation of windows.

Here are my PC Specs:

CPU: i7 7700 (Cooler Master Liquid Cooled)
Motherboard: Gigabye H110M-S2H
Ram: 16gb Corsair Vengeance 2400 MHz
SSD/HDD: Gigabyte 240gb SSD
GPU: Zotac Nvidia GTX 1070
PSU: Cooler Master MasterWatt Lite 600W 80+
OS: Windows 10 Home

My GPU & CPU temps are perfectly fine, and this PC and all the components are only 3 months old. My thoughts are that it is the PSU, I have considered upgrading to the EVGA 850 GQ, 80+ GOLD 850W PSU but id like to get some more thoughts before I go ahead and do that
While gaming and playing Fortnite I have experienced several times a sudden crash the screen will freeze and go black and the monitor loses signal. This happens around 10-15 mins into the game every time and The only way for me to get back signal is holding down the power button and then turning the pc back on.

I've uninstalled GPU drivers and reinstalled them aswell as resetting pc and installing a fresh installation of windows.

Here are my PC Specs:

CPU: i7 7700 (Cooler Master Liquid Cooled)
Motherboard: Gigabye H110M-S2H
Ram: 16gb Corsair Vengeance 2400 MHz
SSD/HDD: Gigabyte 240gb SSD
GPU: Zotac Nvidia GTX 1070
PSU: Cooler Master MasterWatt Lite 600W 80+
OS: Windows 10 Home

My GPU & CPU temps are perfectly fine, and this PC...


Curmudgeon Pursuivant
While gaming and playing Fortnite I have experienced several times a sudden crash the screen will freeze and go black and the monitor loses signal. This happens around 10-15 mins into the game every time and The only way for me to get back signal is holding down the power button and then turning the pc back on.

I've uninstalled GPU drivers and reinstalled them aswell as resetting pc and installing a fresh installation of windows.

Here are my PC Specs:

CPU: i7 7700 (Cooler Master Liquid Cooled)
Motherboard: Gigabye H110M-S2H
Ram: 16gb Corsair Vengeance 2400 MHz
SSD/HDD: Gigabyte 240gb SSD
GPU: Zotac Nvidia GTX 1070
PSU: Cooler Master MasterWatt Lite 600W 80+
OS: Windows 10 Home

My GPU & CPU temps are perfectly fine, and this PC and all the components are only 3 months old. My thoughts are that it is the PSU, I have considered upgrading to the EVGA 850 GQ, 80+ GOLD 850W PSU but id like to get some more thoughts before I go ahead and do that

Behavior like this is frequently temperatures or power supply. Since you've checked the temperatures and you have a PSU that's quite low-quality for the hardware you're running, swapping out the PSU is what I would do next; if someone gave me this PC as a present, replacing the PSU would be the first thing I'd do even if not having a specific crashing problem.

You don't need 850 watts though; if the PSU is the source of the issue, it's one caused by quality, not quantity. An EVGA GQ 850 will work, of course, but it's going for $115 and given the parts you have, you'll be just fine with a 550W PSU. Which means you can save money and go up a tier in overall quality (GQ is below EVGA's G2/G3 line).

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($69.90 @ Amazon)
Total: $69.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-10 02:59 EDT-0400