past month i had a gx620 that i tought was dead beacause i upgraded its psu,
since it used to freeze on Windows 7 loading screen
now i am about to buy an HP DX2200 possibly a DX2300 from wich some people say that they put Q6600 in it, it boots but freezes on win7 loading screen. others said it worked but they had 500w psu models
so does psu weakness cause that freezinnnnnnnnnnnn
thx in advance 😉
past month i had a gx620 that i tought was dead beacause i upgraded its psu,
since it used to freeze on Windows 7 loading screen
now i am about to buy an HP DX2200 possibly a DX2300 from wich some people say that they put Q6600 in it, it boots but freezes on win7 loading screen. others said it worked but they had 500w psu models
so does psu weakness cause that freezinnnnnnnnnnnn
thx in advance 😉