Possible to build a new desktop around an old MBP HDD?


Aug 4, 2016

I have an older MacBook Pro that is likely going to give out in the next year to two years. I'm looking to take the HDD from that MBP which has as verified version of OSX on it, and then build a tower around it with new hardware chosen from mac compatible hardware.

Does anyone know if this is possible, or whether or not it is worth the time? I can save a ton of money if it isn't unbelievably problematic in terms of installation hardware settings and keeping the OS licensed.

Would love any thoughts or experiences.
they may argue that it is Modding if phrased incorrectly. but all the OP is asking is if his OSX license will work with different hardware, if he can use his current OSX license on a custom setup. if the license is not hardware dependent than, yes.

...and a MOD should move this to the...
i've never heard that OSX registration is tied to the hardware it is installed on, like Windows 10. so it should work.

i've always heard Apple has great customer support. maybe you could try giving them a call and ask how you should go about it.
let us know how it works out. i'd like to know for future reference.

Well yeah they do, but like many corporations, Apple will not even suggest you take anything apart, even less to assist you. This is Modding we are talking about.

OK assume the OS is compatible with the hardware, in what enclosure you put it doesn't matter, it's just a box.

And why are you posting in a Win7 forum?
they may argue that it is Modding if phrased incorrectly. but all the OP is asking is if his OSX license will work with different hardware, if he can use his current OSX license on a custom setup. if the license is not hardware dependent than, yes.

...and a MOD should move this to the correct forum.
