Possible to check if the windows version is OEM or retail

Kitten In A Mitten

Aug 28, 2015
Computer's motherboard fried, I would like to know if my version of Windows 10 is retail or OEM. I forgot to write down the product id so I have no clue how to tell which one it is and I can't check because I don't have access to my computer anymore due to motherboard failure. Anybody have an idea on figuring out which one it is?
did the OS come with the computer? if yes then more than likely it is OEM
did you purchase the OS separately from the Machine or any other hardware? if yes more than likely a retail copy

It had windows 8 with it when I purchased the computer and got the free upgrade, don't know if it was a retail copy though, the PC was purchased long ago. I remember asking Microsoft support a few months ago asking if the windows was retail, I believe the person said retail but I'm not too sure now. I will assume it is oem for the time being :/ thanks anyways

1. For an actual broken and replaced motherboard, MS almost always allows reuse of that license key. They do understand that parts break.
2. If it had been updated to the recent Anniversary Update (v1607), even that might not matter.
Read more here: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-3164428/windows-build-1607-activation.html