Possible to install windows 8.1 from optical drive on new build?


Jun 29, 2014
super noob here...

My first build is tomorrow and starting to get nervous about the windows install and bios setup.

can anyone tell me if I can install windows using a external optical drive or will the bios not recognize it

-or- must I need to make a ISO file on a flash drive from the disk?

Using Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 7 mobo.

Thanks ahead of time.
Its really up to the motherbd. I havent used that one yet so cant say but I suspect you will be fine. Use one of the usb2's on the rear i/o panel.

Wow you guys are fast here. Thanks so much. From your response it sounds like it has been done before but just depends on the mobo. I will try it and report back how it worked.

Thanks for answering!! I will def use your advice about the usb 2 on rear io panel. Thanks again.