possible to lock game's FPS to 60 to match monitor's 60Hz refresh? dynamically adjust quality settings?


so yeah, is that possible? do you typically have to set the quality settings at the start of a game and then enable v-sync to match the fps & refresh rates?

or is it possible to tell the game "run whatever quality is needed in whatever section I'm in so that I'm hitting 60fps and synch with my monitor's 60Hz refresh"? I guess this might make the game change quality settings dynamically, HQ in easier low-demand parts and MedQ in more demanding bits.

possible? I guess bottom line is I want to avoid overbuying a graphics card (as in, I don't need a card that can do 120fps if the monitor refresh is 60Hz cuz then half of the card's work is being totally wasted)
That 760 is much more powerful. Honestly i'd go for the 760, youll be able to play a much wider range of games at higher setting. Or you could wait and get a secong 650ti boost in the future
Nope, 60FPS at 60Hz still has vertical tearing, only vsync and gsync can fix tearing completely. There are scenarios where games can adjust the ingame quality to target a certain FPS, but these are very specific scenarios and are usually through mods.
I'm not tied to any specific single game - I'm looking at games in general. and while ultra quality would be nice, I can accept a game having to dumb things down a bit to eek out a few extra FPS to stay at a stable 60. a bit, but not excessively. i don't need to see every blade of grass and count feathers on a bird, but it's gotta be more realistic than South Park.

the background is that I'm wondering if I should exchange a GTX650 Ti Boost SC 1GB (still unused) for a GTX760 OC 2GB - at double the price. I'd rather not have to spend the money (around $130 delta) if there's a software setting that can stabilize frame rates. this is all only for 1080p, single screen.

hehe, I kinda figured that was the better solution - buy a card that can do MORE instead of finding some convoluted software setting scheme to change quality on-the-fly.

so yeah, since endless Google searches also showed no solutions currently, I went with the exchange - have a GTX760 now. i'll vsynch / gsynch it and call it done.

thanks all!