My MSI MB is spouting this 'ME FW is found abnormal' issue. It appeared after a reboot, just out of the blue. Now that alone seems to be no problem at this moment, although i havent tried to change any BIOS settings, so I cant tell if that works at this moment. Since ive already tried to flash the most recent BIOS on it with success. No problems accured for a couple of days, but now i get the same error message. Other than this, my Computer works fine, as of now. Maybe at some point though, it will actually cause me problems or my computer will stop working completely.
But thats besides the point. Ive already read thread were a guy had the same issue as me under the same circumstances and the problem was a faulty board, nothing he could do himself about it, so he got it replaced.
So to come to my actualy question: Is it possible to RMA a defect board, on which the GPU and the CPU has been overclocked? I cant really see this to be the cause for this problem, though. my CPU works stable and my GPU ive set to stock values again, because i didnt get any benefit from it, but I did OC it before.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, that my RAM is OC'ed as well.
But thats besides the point. Ive already read thread were a guy had the same issue as me under the same circumstances and the problem was a faulty board, nothing he could do himself about it, so he got it replaced.
So to come to my actualy question: Is it possible to RMA a defect board, on which the GPU and the CPU has been overclocked? I cant really see this to be the cause for this problem, though. my CPU works stable and my GPU ive set to stock values again, because i didnt get any benefit from it, but I did OC it before.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, that my RAM is OC'ed as well.