Possible to uninstall motherboard drivers?


Sep 17, 2013
Recently I've been updating my motherboard drivers and I believe I've screwed something up (it's a long and scary story) and I was wondering if it is possible to uninstall the motherboard drivers and re-install them? Or is the only way to clear my hard drive and start again? Thanks for all the help :)
Best to use the latest drivers from the site, they seldom list everthing that is addressed, but give thought to, they spend the time and money to update them for reasons - to fix problems - you may not be encountering at the moment, but never know when they might pop up.

That makes sense. I'll try that if there isn't any other way! Thanks!

The only reason I didn't suggest that was that he said he had been updating them when the problem occured. A thought just occured to me, I hope it was Motherboard Drivers and not a BiOS flash, as that can brick a machine.

Re-install windows? I know this may sounds like an obvious question but is that possible without loosing files on your computer?

No. You wil lose your files and the reason you should back up on another drive.
Maybe if I post what my problem was it would make it easier to choose the possible route. I was updating drivers when someone redirected me to a chipset driver that was supplied from Intel instead of the ASUS website. He/she said they were more up to date. I downloaded and installed that driver instead (now that I think of it, I should have just stuck with the one on the driver from my product on the ASUS website) It installed OK but I then went to install the Intel USB drivers from the ASUS site. Those screwed up and halfway through the installation it exited the installer and said one or more drivers weren't installed. No matter how many times I tried the same thing happened. I then update my Audio drivers which required me to restart my computer. When it restarted, my mouse and keyboard wouldn't work. In fact, it was the USB ports that weren't working and there was nothing I could do. I tried to hard-shut off my computer and it froze but eventually restarted. At this point, the USB ports on the back of the motherboard wouldn't work but the ones in the front would so I plugged my mouse in the front and ran the Intel USB installer again. This time it worked fine. I got worried that it was going to bite me in the ass later so that is why I asked the question. The only problem I've faced is that pressing a key on my keyboard won't wake up my computer anymore, I have to actually press the on-button so I know something is messed up.

Now, there are three things that you guys have suggested:

1. Re-install the drivers from the disc. Will this completely override my current drivers? I hope it will but could it leave files behind? How could I check.

2. Re-install from the site. I don't feel like going with this option because it seems kind of half-assed and I feel like it won't give me full closure on my problem.

3. Re-install Windows. This will be my last-resort but with this I do know for a fact that everything I've installed will be wiped so that gives me closure.

What would you guys suggest?
First, it is an ASUS motherboard, so you should be using ASUS drivers. There may be some Intel Drivers for certain things such as the Integrated graphics, but you should still get them from ASUS only. If you knew which drivers they were, you could have tried to update them from the Device Manager.

Yeah, I realize that now. So, what do you think would be the best course of action?
The board I have here now ( Z87 ) is and ASUS and my last board was an ASUS (Z68 ). On the last one, I never bothered with updating the drivers nor the BiOS. Primarily was because I could never get into the servers to do it and I checked to see what issues the updates addressed and I wasn't noticing any of the problems. I subscribe to the theory that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You can instal the disk, and it shouls overwrite the existing drivers, then if you want, update them from the ASUS site, or just get the Updated Drivers, which should overwrite the existing drivers as would be the case anyway, if this hadn't happened.

OK, I'll just use the disc. Thanks!

Best to use the latest drivers from the site, they seldom list everthing that is addressed, but give thought to, they spend the time and money to update them for reasons - to fix problems - you may not be encountering at the moment, but never know when they might pop up.

Yeah, I'll do that! Thanks!