Possible Trojan Horse Virus taking up space on my Laptop HELP

Previously on this thread:http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2030493/space-windows.html#xtor=EPR-8809

I have decided to make a thread here because this issue has evolved into something much more than what I initially thought it could have.

Over the course of the past week and a half I have noticed the space on my SSD has been decreasing, and initially I thought it was a pagefile/hibernate issue but I feel now that neither are the case. My C: drive now has 0 bytes, I have ran windirstat to see what's taking up the space.

I see that my Windows files in Winsxs take up the most space, but none of the percentages add up. I've done almost everything that I can to eliminate possible space. And to show for all the hard work, I now have 0 bytes on my drive.

My system is a Toshiba Satellite laptop.
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
CPU: Intel Core i3 2330M @ 2.20GHz
Motherboard: Intel Corp. Base Board Product Name (CPU1)
Hard Drive: 56GB OCZ-VERTEX2 (SSD)




These screenshots show the past two days in great detail. Between the first and second screens I removed the backup files in the winsxs folder. But now I have 0 bytes.

List of software I have ran:
Malwarebytes anti-malware

Malwarebytes discovered 3 viruses, one of which was sourced as 'pricegong'. All help is appreciated. In the meantime, I will scan combofix over the course of the next 12 hours and share my log if necessary. Thanks in advance.
This is unusual, I have just gave your other thread a quick read then. I suggest doing a scan with "WinDirStat" to try and capture which folder/folders are taking up the space. If you are unfamiliar with how to use it then you could try "glary utilities" it has a disk analyser as well.

Btw, I don't think this is malware causing this however t be on the safe side you can run a bootable disk such as kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.co.uk/viruses/rescuedisk#downloads