Possibly issues with my hard drive


Sep 20, 2016
So lately I've run into some issues with my PC and I'm unsure what is causing them, so here's a summry of what's going on:

1. After rebooting it seems like the computer does not detect it and asks to boot from CD/DVD.
2. After removing the power chord and reconnecting it, the computer detects the HDD but after going into startup repair, it goes into black screen and nothing happens (waited for ~6 hours with no change).

At this point I'm unsure what the reason to this problem may be and I have no way to check as there arn't any other PCs around. Any help would be appriciated.

Edit 1 (20/09/2016) : Found a functioning HDD and tried replacing it with my own, resulting in a failure. After windows finished loading a blue screen popped up briefly and the computer instantly performed a reboot. The other HDD works perfectly on the original computer.

I managed to solve the problem by running a diagnostic tool through Hiren's boot CD and found out that the problem was indeed the HDD. I bought a brand new SSD and it now works flawlessly.

Thanks for all the support, I learned a lot from you during this experience.
Have a great day and again thanks a lot for all the effort you put into helping me
Welcome to Tom's Hardware, @Anri_Khakhiashvilli!

You did a good job with the troubleshooting and checking how the system will detect another functioning HDD. Now, I'd suggest you try swapping the SATA cable and also checking if and how the drives will get recognized if you plug them in another SATA port on the motherboard.
Since you have access to another computer, try plugging your problematic HDD in that system to see how it will get detected. Make sure you check Disk Management in Windows, to see how it's seen there. I'd also strongly recommend backing up all important data there and have a duplicate of it stored on a different storage device. This is the surest way to avoid any potential data loss.
Another thing that you might want to try is checking for any updates from your motherboard manufacturer's official website. Find your model there and make sure all drivers are up-to-date. While on it, check if you have the latest BIOS version installed as well.

Keep me posted & good luck!

Thanks for all the tips mentioned above, I will try them ASAP. I did the following already (didn't mention in the originial post) tried a different SATA port with no success.

As far as backup goes, I currently have no access to windows and reinstalling windows isn't an option too since the HDD does not show in the windwos installtion process. I triend running chkdsk, resulting in a failure due to the file system being RAW.

Either way, thanks a lot for everything. I will keep updating with progress as I go and if you have any other tips or suggestions I would love to hear them.

Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day

Edit 1 (21/09/2016) : Tried switching the cables, with no success.
Hey there again, @Anri!

If the file system is RAW, it seems like it somehow got corrupted. Unfortunately, this would require you to re-format the HDD and that would lead to erasing all the data you currently have on it. I hope there's nothing important that you would loose there. You could try using third-party tools AT YOUR OWN RISK on another computer to retrieve the data, but nobody can determine how successful that procedure will be.
However, if you have no issues formatting and erasing everything on the drive, the RAW format should be fixed by re-formatting the drive. Since you cannot boot into Windows use the Command prompt line in the System Recovery Options of your Windows Installation, it allows you to use the DiskPart command to re-format the HDD. Make sure you have any secondary drives disconnected from your system, so that you select the correct disk number and don't encounter any OS confusion while clean installing Windows.

You could also try running a DOS Version of your HDD manufacturer's diagnostic utility. It will allow you to scan your HDD for any errors without booting into Windows OS.

Hope this helps as well. Keep me posted if you have any concerns or questions.
Have a wonderful day as well! :)

Any important data is already backed up so that would not be a problem. The thing is, while trying reinstalling windows eveything's super slow including the execution of commands in the command prompt. After typing in diskpart, I was unable to do anything for around 2 hours, after which I gave up and tried something else.
I made an ubuntu installation usb (same one I used for my windows insatllation) and every thing just ran fast. Though I could not install due problems with the hardware (ran a check on the error in google). So I'm pretty much clueless as what to do next, and I've yet to figure out if it's my HDD that's failing or any other piece of hardware, in which case I would rathre give up on this PC and get a new one (it's 8 years old now).
Good job with the backup, @Anri!
Since switching the SATA cable and the SATA port didn't help, I'd recommend you check how it will perform in another computer (if you have access to one). This will help us figure out whether or not the hard drive is the source of your issues.
Either way, I hope I was helpful.
Best of luck! :)

I managed to solve the problem by running a diagnostic tool through Hiren's boot CD and found out that the problem was indeed the HDD. I bought a brand new SSD and it now works flawlessly.

Thanks for all the support, I learned a lot from you during this experience.
Have a great day and again thanks a lot for all the effort you put into helping me