Hi, I've got a Lenovo Legion Y530 with an 128gig M.2 SSD which until now has been pretty fine as a machine aside the screen panel failing and being replaced under warranty. Until now.
Yesterday, mid-game, the screen froze and the machine went unresponsive. It was outputting to the TV at the time so I pulled the HDMI out and only way to deal with the machine was press and hold power to hard shut down. Switched on again and get the 'Checking media' message and no boot. Make it to BIOS and switch to Legacy Support etc for boot, still no joy. Uh-oh. So, I start thinking the worst but then read about the "Power Cycle" trick and, trying it, it works! So hear I am again, chuck Rust on and sure enough...same thing. So this has happened a couple of times now, and it took a fair few tries of the power cycle trick to recover the machine last time/reset the SSD.
I'm trying to work out if this means the drive's on its way out (all fine when not playing Rust..been working for several hours with web browsing and normal desktop use etc) or whether this is the game or a recent Windows update that's done this? Not that familiar with what can happen with SSD's hence asking on here, can a game upset a drive to that extent!? Worth mentioning I've played 120 hours on the game until now with no issues.
Yesterday, mid-game, the screen froze and the machine went unresponsive. It was outputting to the TV at the time so I pulled the HDMI out and only way to deal with the machine was press and hold power to hard shut down. Switched on again and get the 'Checking media' message and no boot. Make it to BIOS and switch to Legacy Support etc for boot, still no joy. Uh-oh. So, I start thinking the worst but then read about the "Power Cycle" trick and, trying it, it works! So hear I am again, chuck Rust on and sure enough...same thing. So this has happened a couple of times now, and it took a fair few tries of the power cycle trick to recover the machine last time/reset the SSD.
I'm trying to work out if this means the drive's on its way out (all fine when not playing Rust..been working for several hours with web browsing and normal desktop use etc) or whether this is the game or a recent Windows update that's done this? Not that familiar with what can happen with SSD's hence asking on here, can a game upset a drive to that extent!? Worth mentioning I've played 120 hours on the game until now with no issues.