power but no boot


Apr 16, 2014
Today I assembled a PC from parts I ordered off of Amazon. When finished and I went to plug it in it came on for a second like it was going to but and then shut off. The green light on the mobo is solid green. All components are brand new. The processor is an AMD FX 8350, 16GB Corsair Vengeance RAM, 240 GB SSD, 1 TB HD, DVDRW, GeForce750ti. Nothing happens when I touch the power button or reset switch. It only comes on if i unplug and plug back in the machine, and then it's only for a second. I am stumped. Please help. Thanks in advance.
everything I try I get the same result. When plugged into the AC power cord the fans and mobo lights come on for a few seconds and then shut off. The mobo lights stay on. I didn't hook up the TPM cable as I couldn't get it to fit to the header on my mobo, but I doubt that's the issue. jumping the power pins manually produced the same result (assuming I did it right[I touched a screwdriver to the two pw_switch pins on the front panel]). The speaker is hooked up but there are no beeps. The MemOK light comes on briefly but shuts down with everything else. I'm stumped.
Maybe I wasn't being clear enough. The PC only powers on when I plug in the AC cable from the wall and then it's only for 3 seconds or so. So I don't think I have the chance to boot it up manually with a screwdriver. My guess is something is overheating, does this sound right to anyone?