Power color 4850 cannot overclock?


Aug 1, 2009
Hi everyone;

I just bought a Power Color 4850 512MB DDR3, and nothing I try seems to allow it to overclock.

I've tried BIOS (no option),
Rivatuner (blue screen and then crash),
ATI Tool (cannot detect the card at all)
ATI Tray tools (when i move the slider to overclock, it automatically jumps back and nothing happens)

I'm using Vista Home premium 32 bit SP1, ASUS P5kvm 1600, 4g DDR2 KVR, Intel Q8200...

Any ideas please? Much appreciated.
Hmm okay thanks.
After i overdrive the card, do i need to reboot the system for new settings to be effected?

Because my current value clock speed is still the old one (according to CCC.