Power cut ruined hardware

Jan 14, 2019
I had a Power Surge not long ago and it ruined my PSU & HDD. I have replaced the PSU only as I dont need the HDD just yet.I have noticed that when I play single player or multiplayer games every 2 seconds the game stutters. I am just wondering if anyone would have any thoughts on this or what else might have been ruined.

My Specs are ¬

Windows 10
Samsung evo 850 500GB
8GB RAM Corsair Vengeance
Intel i5-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz
GTX 960 2GB
CORSAIR Hydro Series H60 AIO Liquid CPU Cooler
this could be a lot of things, a surge can do all sorts of things to a system, start by running a windows diagnostic to make sure its not just a simple problem, check the task manager to see if the ram usage is full, also check the cpu usage. download hwmonitor and check your temps on everything too (https://www.cpuid.com/)

Thanks for the reply Oscar,

Yes I have formatted my system since the Power Surge and the issue has still persisted. I have taken some screen shots of the system, checking the cpu usage while game is running & checked the ram in task manager. I'm guessing it's the motherboard as it's temp recorded 127° on temp5 when idle. Link to pictures in Google drive.
