Power LED connector 3-pin, motherboard takes 2-pin

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May 6, 2010
I just got everything delivered today and started building my computer, and everything's been relatively straightforward until now. My motherboard is the MSI 870A-G54 and my case is the Rosewill destroyer.

The Power LED front panel connector is a 3-pin (where the middle pin isn't actually anything), but the motherboard's manual assumes you have a 2-pin connector.

It's my first time building, so I don't know if it's obvious, but is there anything I can do to connect the Power LED, or should I just not connect it and not worry about it, seeing as how it's not a make-or-break big deal

Grab your motherboard manual and open it to section 1-4, in the lower right you'll see something named JFP2. In section 2-14, look at the diagram for JFP2. Pins 1 & 5 are what you want to connect the Power LED to. If your 3-pin is labeled with a + and -, the ground (-) goes to pin 1. If it's not labeled, usually the ground is either the black or white wire.
Grab your motherboard manual and open it to section 1-4, in the lower right you'll see something named JFP2. In section 2-14, look at the diagram for JFP2. Pins 1 & 5 are what you want to connect the Power LED to. If your 3-pin is labeled with a + and -, the ground (-) goes to pin 1. If it's not labeled, usually the ground is either the black or white wire.
I don't have the manual on me right now, but I'll definitely give this a look right away when I get home today.

If I recall correctly, the manual told me to hook it up to pins 2 & 4 on JFP1, but I'm probably wrong, lol.

Thanks for the help! I'll update when I get home.

Alrighty - yep, yours worked. I was just confused because on the drawing you referred to, it didn't have a line connecting each pin for the Power LED like they did for all the other connectors, nor did they say anything like, "put it here if it's a 2-pin connector or put it here if it's a 3-pin connector." Anyway, your answer got the job done, and I'm all done connecting my computer now aside from one SATA cable I need that's coming in the mail.

I had the ASROCK X58 EXTREME motherboard & so I didn't have another 3 pin area. so what I did was convert the 3 pin to a 2 pin. Doing so was very easy since the middle pin from the case was empty, I used a needle to get the wire out of socket. You may have to flip them around until you get the power LCD light to work properly. Hope this will help someone out there!

I tried your way and it worked perfect. You saved my day. Thanks alot xunderworldx 🙂
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