Solution scout_03 Jan 22, 2018 you could get a replacement at some electronic parts seller or did you chec on the case maker if they sell front panel parts .
you could get a replacement at some electronic parts seller or did you chec on the case maker if they sell front panel parts .
scout_03 Titan Ambassador Feb 18, 2010 30,587 324 107,640 Jan 22, 2018 Solution #2 you could get a replacement at some electronic parts seller or did you chec on the case maker if they sell front panel parts . Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
you could get a replacement at some electronic parts seller or did you chec on the case maker if they sell front panel parts .
J jgustin7b Commendable Nov 17, 2017 1,216 0 1,660 Jan 22, 2018 #3 This is a very vague question. Could you tell me the following? Is it a laptop or desktop? If desktop... Check to see if the psu is turned on If laptop Make sure it’s charged. If it needs charging, charge it Upvote 0 Downvote
This is a very vague question. Could you tell me the following? Is it a laptop or desktop? If desktop... Check to see if the psu is turned on If laptop Make sure it’s charged. If it needs charging, charge it