Hello everyone. I'm having an issue with my PNY Geforce 9800 gtx graphics card. When win xp boots to the login screen, I get a warning about insufficient power and that the card is running on minimum performance. My PSU is an Enermax Liberty 620 (this one - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817194004). This is an older custom build that was donated to my brother's workplace and they didn't need it. Even though it's older and not running at full capabilities, it still smokes the PC's I've had before and can finally run my music recording programs without a hitch. I've upgraded simple things before for myself and others (ram, drives and such) but never anything quite like this. I look at the PSU and I have no idea what rails are what and if that is in fact the issue. Sorry for rambling, not great at getting out thoughts coherently. Thanks in advance for the help and let me know if I need to give any other information.