Power problems with new gpu


Mar 4, 2016
GPS upgrade
Hi just upgraded my r9 270x to a rx480. Put new card in pc powers but no display and keeps restarting. Put old card back in alls OK. So reinstall rx 480 same issue. Put original card back in and that's doing the same. Please help

Gigabyte z77 board and Silverstone 700w plus. Old card 2 6 pin connectors new card 1 8 pin
Since your board is old, make sure that it has been updated with the latest BIOS version. Put your old GPU back in and update the BIOS. Also try doing a CMOS reset, it may help. Finally you may have to test your system with another PSU in order to be certain whether the PSU is responsible for those issues or not. If nothing of the above helps you have to test this GPU in another system. If it has exactly the same behaviour it's probably bad and you have to RMA it.