Power save mode on my home built pc

May 14, 2018
So I put my pc together by taking old parts ( fans power supply and tower) from my fammilies old pc. For the new parts I bought dell power edge t110 mother board an Intel xeon x3430 proccesor and 16 gigs of samsung timetec ddr3 sd ram and for gpu I got a geforce Gt 710. So I plugged everything in and turned it on and the monitor(which was also from the old pc) power button turns yellow and gives me a blank screen and when I press the menu button on the monitor it says in power save mode. I know this means there is no signal going to the monitor but can find out why I have taken everything out exept the mother board and cpu( plus power supply and heat sync) and it still gives me the power save mode message I reset the cmos and reseated the ram and also cleaned it too. The harddrive also has windows xp on it from the old computer. If anyone knows what is wrong please respond.