Power supply and gpu


Jan 30, 2017
Hey, Im building an office PC and need it for 1080p 60fps videos and emails, etc. I wanted to ask what power supply should I get for this (Im going to get an intel i3-6100) and do I need a gpu or is the one inside the intel i3-6100 good enough for 1080p 60fps etc? thanks

By gaming, you mean intense right, I'm building this for my grandmother and she would play like card games on it.
The igpu is fine, you don't really need a powerful PSU. Anything 250W or greater should be stable. You could even get away with one of those Pico PSUs if you wanted to build in a super duper small case. If you don't want to build your own computer one of those small brick computers should also handle those tasks.

Thanks, will it be able to play like card games, and do full system scans, etc?


Haha, im not that good with computers, so thanks. Ill keep you in mind incase I need to ask questions, is that okay?