Power supply forum?

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Jan 16, 2016
Tom's hardware probably got this question a lot, but so many people have issues with power supplies, and buying power supplies, that they have to post them in the components section. But wouldn't it just be easier, if you're someone who can help with power supplies, to just go to the power supply forum and answer question rather than digging through the components forum? Apart from that, there are a LOT of questions about power supplies on here, so wouldn't it just be easier to make a forum for them?

Did the developers make the website from scratch? If they did, I totally understand, do some programming myself. But I feel like even with all the hard work it'd take to add it in, it'd be worth it in the end, as there are so many power supply quesitons

The tier list isn't perfect, and isn't the same as getting custom help, although it is very helpful. For example, I do a lot of overclocking on my system which is what tier 3 units aren't supposed to be great for, and my Photon 750 acts like a tier 2
the forum software is custom and designed to interface with articles. the dev team also is divided between many sites and other projects not just th. while i agree there are many things that would be nice to get implemented quickly it just doesnt happen like that unless things are an emergency situation.

the tier list is a good starting point and something that should be looked at first so that when you ask a question you have a good idea of what you're looking for. custom help is always nice but you shouldnt expect users to always need to suggest each and every product which might work. if you can do some of the footwork on your own it really helps out the people who answer all these questions.

tier 3 units are generally less reliable, have lower output and less quality components. this does not mean they will fail or will be unstable in all cases but there is certainly a greater risk if pushed too hard.


I never asked for it to be done right away, that'd be too much to ask for. It's just kind of a future suggestion
making the subsection list show up for logged in members is already on the to-do list for future updates/upgrades. since we already have a psu subsection but the list doesnt appear when you're logged in this should answer your request. its a forum bug that needs to get worked out. link to the section was provided above (if you view the site logged out you can see the whole list)
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