Power Supply issues.


Jul 14, 2013
I just bought a new PSU and GPU for my PC. I got a Cooler Master 460W PSU and a Nvidia GTX 660. I can run any game I play smoothly on high settings, no FPS issues or lag at all. How ever.. my PSU makes a strange noise.. but only under load, like when playing a GPU intense game. It kind of sounds like an electrical arc. Or static popping/buzzing. Is this potentially harmful to my pc? Like I said, I haven't had any issues with performance.. OR could it just mean I need a stronger PSU?
If it was the Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus model, those things would burn out/explode if you try to draw more than 80% of the power specified on its label most likely taking along with it things like the motherboard, graphics card, hard disk drives, etc.

If you're getting the Corsair CX600 it is much better than Cooler Master's low end rubbish.

Really? Well, I've already ordered a Corsair 600w and going to return the other one. So i'm not losing anything on it.
If it was the Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus model, those things would burn out/explode if you try to draw more than 80% of the power specified on its label most likely taking along with it things like the motherboard, graphics card, hard disk drives, etc.

If you're getting the Corsair CX600 it is much better than Cooler Master's low end rubbish.

Thanks for the suggestions. But does that match up to my description? I'm pulling too much juice from the PSU and it's causing the noises?

If the PSU is making those noises then there is no way that you should even trust it.

It could be the signs of overstress but unless the PSU can be opened up and examined for signs of arcing or burning it just becomes a guessing game.