Power supply outputting correct voltages but no power to motherboard
This one has me stumped. Suddenly yesterday my pc won't turn on, I was using it earlier in the day.
I noticed the LEDs on the motherboard were dimmer than usual and flickering so I assumed it was the power supply.
I jumped the pins to power it on and tested each pin on both 24pin and 8 pin connectors for voltages and they're all correct (barring some 5v pins showing as 5.2v but that should be within spec +-5%)
So I thought it might be the motherboard, tested using another power supply and the power light comes on when the power button is pressed meaning it's powering on and the motherboard LEDs are bright again.
Put my power supply back in and now no LEDs go on but the power supply is outputting the correct voltages...
So I know it's the power supply I just don't know why it is. Has anyone got any ideas before I end up having to buy a new one?
This one has me stumped. Suddenly yesterday my pc won't turn on, I was using it earlier in the day.
I noticed the LEDs on the motherboard were dimmer than usual and flickering so I assumed it was the power supply.
I jumped the pins to power it on and tested each pin on both 24pin and 8 pin connectors for voltages and they're all correct (barring some 5v pins showing as 5.2v but that should be within spec +-5%)
So I thought it might be the motherboard, tested using another power supply and the power light comes on when the power button is pressed meaning it's powering on and the motherboard LEDs are bright again.
Put my power supply back in and now no LEDs go on but the power supply is outputting the correct voltages...
So I know it's the power supply I just don't know why it is. Has anyone got any ideas before I end up having to buy a new one?