Hey, so I recently built my new PC, and I plugged it all in, when I hit the power button the leds and fans turn on for a split second then back off. I thought something wasn't seated right so I redid everything, same thing, so I tested the power supply solo, the paperclip method, same thing, the psu fan turns on the off quickly, being a refurbished PSU I thought they may have just not fixed it right or something, So I sent it in to corsair. In the meantime I purchased a more "permanent" 750 w corsair (IDK why I went with crapsair again) but while waiting for it to come in I plugged my old 450 w in and the fans an leds all turned on, but it wasn't booting, 450 isn't enough for my gpu so I figured that may be the issue there, then my 750w showed up in the mail, so I threw it in, and again... Everything turns on for a split second... Then off... Is this some kind of corsair curse? Or is my NEW 750w fried TOO? I have yet to test the 750 on its own. But seems like plugging a corsair PSU in it immediately shits the bed.. Any thoughts?