Power supply problems?


May 3, 2017
Hey, so I recently built my new PC, and I plugged it all in, when I hit the power button the leds and fans turn on for a split second then back off. I thought something wasn't seated right so I redid everything, same thing, so I tested the power supply solo, the paperclip method, same thing, the psu fan turns on the off quickly, being a refurbished PSU I thought they may have just not fixed it right or something, So I sent it in to corsair. In the meantime I purchased a more "permanent" 750 w corsair (IDK why I went with crapsair again) but while waiting for it to come in I plugged my old 450 w in and the fans an leds all turned on, but it wasn't booting, 450 isn't enough for my gpu so I figured that may be the issue there, then my 750w showed up in the mail, so I threw it in, and again... Everything turns on for a split second... Then off... Is this some kind of corsair curse? Or is my NEW 750w fried TOO? I have yet to test the 750 on its own. But seems like plugging a corsair PSU in it immediately shits the bed.. Any thoughts?
Something most likely is shorting out; it always is a good idea to test outside of the case before assembling everything. The behavior of the Corsair PSUs is different because they were not designed by the same manufacturer. Since none can get your system to POST, then the issue obviously is elsewhere. The system should power up without a GPU, but you won't know if it POST if you can't see anything. Can't you borrow a cheap GPU that doesn't even have a power connector? Being able to connect your monitor is enough.
Just before anyone asks :
Mobo: msi 970a gaming pro carbon
CPU: FX 6300 black
Cooler: hyper 212 evo
Ram: (8gb, 2x 4gb) Team Vulcan 1600
Gpu: msi r9 380
storage: Samsung 960 evo 250gb m.2
Samsung 850 pro 250gb ssd
Patriot 120gb SSD (bootdrive)
500gb deskstar hdd
PSU: corsair hx750, corsair hx650 (refurb), and my old Antec 450w
450W is a lot more than needed to POST; the GPU draws little current while displaying the BIOS screen. You connected the CPU ATX cable? Did it POST outside of the case (motherboard, CPU, memory and GPU only) before you assembled everything in the case? Have you tried a different GPU? Are you sure nothing is shorting out the motherboard?
Test with just the motherboard, CPU and 1x4GB RAM Module. If that doesn't work test with the other RAM module. You are just checking for a POST beep and that it stays turned on. If it fails on both RAM modules it is likely a bad CPU or Motherboard. If it fails with one RAM and not the other, bad RAM. If it works then something else is the matter.

If it works. Start adding components one at a time. I'd start with the GPU next, then keyboard, then mouse. Keep at it until you hit your failure point.

Don't forget to turn it off before adding or removing parts.

If your old PSU has all the right connectors. It should work, at least long enough for POST testing. If a computer draws too much power it overheats a PSU, a decent one has safety mechanisms which will kill all power. Which isn't likely in the few seconds for POST. It isn't some hard limit. Where it sends so much power then no more.

Corsair makes good PSUs. Even their cheapest models are acceptable quality. It is highly unlikely you got two bum units in a row.
I don't think anything was shorting in my mobo, as all the standoffs are in the right spots, I was pretty careful to discharge myself before touching anything, I had some struggle cable managing and such that required me to remove and move my motherboard around a couple times. But I was always very gentle and cautious.
Nope, because I figured a brand new PSU should have no problems. My first full build so. Any more suggestions or things for me to try for when I get home? Only another 4 hours left.
To be clear, it should turn on with no gpu installed correct? So I could test it without that in just to help eliminate variables? If it matters, I did use this CPU in a different mobo before this build, with no problems, it may be the ram. I don't think Team incs ram cards were on the compatible list for my mobo, they were for my other mobo I used this CPU on, would that cause this to happen? I have a proper ram already on its way, just thought I might be able to get away with the Same ram.
Something most likely is shorting out; it always is a good idea to test outside of the case before assembling everything. The behavior of the Corsair PSUs is different because they were not designed by the same manufacturer. Since none can get your system to POST, then the issue obviously is elsewhere. The system should power up without a GPU, but you won't know if it POST if you can't see anything. Can't you borrow a cheap GPU that doesn't even have a power connector? Being able to connect your monitor is enough.