Power Supply Recommendation?


Dec 6, 2015
Hi TH users,

I am very in need of help right now... what power supply should I get for my new build?

My current build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/matty1053/saved/#view=ydXcCJ
CPU: Intel i5-4590 (It's a great CPU, for the price I payed ($175) couldn't beat it.
GPU: Nvidia GTX 960 2gb (I am going to be ordering this soon, probably in next 3 days)
HDD: 1tb WD HDD 7200rpm
CASE: Xion 310-Black. (Has a 120mm fan in front, If i am correct it's a intake fan, please correct me)
Ram: Crucial Balistic Sport 2x4gb ($37.... not bad, not bad at all.)
OS: Windows 10.
Case Fan (Exhaust): Roswill 80-k (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/rosewill-case-fan-rfa80k)

I am thinking of getting a 550 watt PSU, but... Bronze or Gold version? Bronze is a bit cheaper.... but gold I heard is more efficient if you are going to be on your pc a lot. (Which I might be on average... 3 hours a day, so around 21 hours a week).

I will be doing gaming on it too, no "EXTREME 4K 1000000 FPS OMG ULTRA GRAPHICS". Just 720p is fine for me, hehe.

Please help, it's all gonna be appreciated. I'd like to know by tomorrow. (Friday the 11th.) Thanks!

Should I go with gold though? You answered 1/2 of my question. Will Bronze or Gold be better off for somenoe who plays 3 hours a day about of gaming?

And I would upgrade to 16gb if I could haha. I will when i'm all set.
Upgrading to 16gb of ram is a waste of money . Your gaming not rendering . But that psu man . I'm having trouble finding something that's better than that . If you want gold then here. Get the RaidMax Vampire 700W Continuous 80+ Gold Modular power supply from newegg. It has more wattage and it's 80+ Gold certified . It's also cheaper and modular . But the evga one comes from a well better known brand and has a good warrenty . The raidmax vampire has more wattage for upgradeable options . Though the brand sucks . This vampire series is pretty good . And did I say it's gold , has more wattage , it's modular and cheaper ? So I'd aim for the vampire one . No other raidmax psu . Others are crapb. And plus this one is made for heavy gaming machines .
Alrighty, thanks guys!

I'll pick up the 550 wat you said. And, what would the max watts used for my build be? I wanna be a bit safe. I have heard 400wats is recommended for the GPU power only...
If you are willing to sacrifice 30 watts, the Seasonic 520W S12II Bronze is great. I bought it not too long ago and it works fantastic. I have the same GPU as you. Very efficient, super quiet. It's basically silent. Plenty of cables. Overall a great PSU. Plus you can get one on Newegg for about $60.

Will the 520 wat be enough for my pc... especially when it starts up?

And it'll fit in my case right?