Im planning on building a pc with the following specs:
- Amd fx6300 (cpu)
- Geforce GTX 750(graphic card)
- Msi 970A-G46 (motherboard)
- 3x 4gb ram
My question is of how much should be the watts of the power supply i need to get?
A good 450w PSU is all you need to power that reliably.
That said, you can get a 550w like this one for almost the same price as good 450w unit and it will provide a stronger base for future upgrades:
Power Supply:XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($47.60 @ SuperBiiz) Total: $47.60 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-11-30 12:54 EST-0500