power supply suggestion


Sep 17, 2016
My PC specs are as follows
AMD Phenom ii X4 955,
Asus M2N68-AM-SE2,
4 GB ram, 800 mhz,
Geforce 310 M graphic card,
and 450 watts PSU

and now as others suggested me i am planning to upgrade my graphic card to gtx 750ti or so..
for that may I buy this PSU

kindly suggest me as I am not having idea about them, as the person from whom i am buying the cooler-master PSU told me that, even though its having less wattage, still it will perform better than the zebronics PSU i have.
Well I would not trust zebronics PSU. those things usually don't match what is on sticker.
750 TI needs ~100W for itself and MBO + stuff will take ~150W.
as I see it 350W should be fine and I have no idea how "zebronics" would handle it.

with 350W weaker you know how it will handle it.
with that 450 W its lottery what came out of factory.

i got this power supply instead of cooler master,

is it okay or should i have to return it? as i am not having any idea about it.
(i got it by chance..).
Question from raheemmalik : "PSU - Graphic card"


That may be even worse than the Zebronics. Cooler Masters aren't very good outside a few of their enthusiast lines, but I'd take one over either of those other two PSUs mentioned.

At at least 400W, this is the least expensive PSU right now I'd ever let touch anything I own.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($33.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $33.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-09-20 12:49 EDT-0400

Does any body know about this K- Mex Powersupply unit Model - PK 350