Power supply surges


Aug 17, 2014
Hy everyone, I recently buyed a new gpu, more exacly a gtx 750 ti, so now when i star to play games for usualy half an hour the pc reboots itself automaticly, and when it restarts it gives me the message: "power supply surges detected during the previous power on, asus anti surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit, i don't realy know what the problem might be, here are my specs(ps. i don't know if the pc reboots even if i play lower games):
Psu: atx adj 620w
cpu: intel i5-3450 3,1ghz skt1155 h2quadcore 6mb cache 5gt/s qpi
Motherboard: mb asus p8h61m-le skt 11552 ddr3
ram: 2x kingston 4gb memory module 1600 mhz
gpu: nvidia gtx 750 ti windforce 2x
hd: seagate barracuda 500 gb st500dm002

ps. sorry for the bad english but i don't know very good the language.
So there isn't any chance that it's either the bios not being update or the power supply that doesn't go directly to the wall outlet(power)?, since for now i don't think to have the money to buy one new psu
Ok tried out but same thing happens, so i tried a one more thing that seems to be functionating for now, in the box that i received with the gpu there was and adpter cable for alimentation, on one side a 6 pin connection on the other side a 2 wires of 4 pin connection, so i plugged only one of the two wired 4 pin connection two the alimentator and the 6 pin connection to the gpu, and for now its working, hope works for now, i noticed that while plaing there are some little glitches but realy trascurable and not of any big probleam, so i think that i'll stay so if there ins't any problem and than buy a good psu ad a higher price, fouad a :"Seasonic S12G-650 SSR-650RT, 650W, ATX 2.3, PFC Activ" at a good price so i'll save up for it, but i'd like to know if there isn't any problem with how i've put the wires.
a little low to charge textures, but only sometimes and with low i'd say max 3 sec so it's not a big deal, and unfortunatly when i buyed the pieces for the pc i let somoene else choose the cpu and the alimentator since i wasn't so expert on this two>.< but gladly at least the cpu is good even if the psu not<.< so as soon as i can i'll buy a new psu, thank you very much for your help and sorry fot the trouble>.<