Powercolor r9 390 black screen after working for months, no POST


Jul 4, 2013
My Powercolor r9 390 gives a black screen on start up, no post. Earlier today it booted into Windows then randomly went black, but my music was still playing. Bought the card back in September and has been working fine since. Didn't up date the drivers recently or anything, it just seems random. Any ideas?

i5 2500k
850w PSU
Diagnostic Steps to Take:

1) Double check all cable connections

2) Double check the GPU is firmly connected into the motherboard

3) If after trying 1 & 2 the PC still doesn't get signal remove the GPU and try booting to internal graphics

4) If internal graphics show up just fine double check you have the most updated drivers for the card

5) If your drivers are up to date then the card has probably failed and you'll need to RMA.


I tried reconnecting all the cables and it was still black. The motherboard doesn't support/have on board graphics so I couldn't try that. My drivers are up to date, I checked them not long ago.

In the end I tried another graphics card and it worked. So I managed to also try the r9 390 in another working PC and it didn't work. I guess that is enough to pursue a RMA.

Thanks for the reply.