Powercolor vs Saphire ATI 9800's???


May 4, 2001
Is there any difference between them? they are both ~$220 and i'd like to do an interim upgrade from my current ti6000. the ti is just awful in dx9 games and i havent really tried an ATI card. i figure it will be good till june when the new ones come out.

Itchy and Scratchy #1325,Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone; strikes the same rib twice but clearly 2 different notes sound. are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone?


Ti6000? Do you mean Ti4600?

In any case, the Sapphire is better quality. There's lots of Powercolor/CP tech haters here.

And for good reason. Cheap inferior ram and bad build quality. Sapphire, on the other hand, is very solid.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 322/322)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2600+</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 2400+ w/143Mhz fsb)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b></font color=red>


May 4, 2001
oh yeah, typo. i mean ti4600. do you think it would be a significant upgrade to the 9800 pro? id be selling it off to my friend when the new ones come out in june. the reason i ask is b/c 1)i just bought ut 2004 and i want to play it at all high detail etc and 2) when the new generation cards come out id like to know more about the ATI's by owning one at some point.

Itchy and Scratchy #1325,Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone; strikes the same rib twice but clearly 2 different notes sound. are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone?


May 4, 2001
thats the one im leaning toward.... im just trying to establish whether i'll notice the difference from my current ti4600.

Itchy and Scratchy #1325,Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone; strikes the same rib twice but clearly 2 different notes sound. are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone?
Another vote for Sapphire out of the two.

And as for your second question, it all depends on the game you play and the settings you like.

Quake3 or CounterStrike at 1024x768 with no AA/AF, little/no difference.

Anything more modern, especially at higher settings, yes you will notice a big difference.

For a basic idea, here's a great [H] review that should answer your basic questions (remember it's an XT not the pro you're looking at, but it should be VERY close to same results);

<A HREF="http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NTUy" target="_new">http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NTUy</A>

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


May 4, 2001
damn, i was ready to jump on this card but after reading all the posts here im wondering if it will be worth it. seems people have had trouble when upgrading from an nvidia card to ati. i dont want to wipe out my gaming machine for a vid card. what do you think? i downloaded that dc2 driver cleaner, i hope that will solve any problems i may encounter.

Itchy and Scratchy #1325,Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone; strikes the same rib twice but clearly 2 different notes sound. are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone?


Mar 30, 2003
If you have a good driver cleaner outer thingy, then you shouldn't have any problems. And if you do, ask us, your trusty friends from THG! We'll certainly be able to help you with it. As for whether or not it's worth the upgrade, it's all about your willingness to part with your dough. I say go for it, but then, I don't posess your wallet.



May 4, 2001
well, i took the plunge. we'll see in a few days. hopefully everything will be fine.

Itchy and Scratchy #1325,Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone; strikes the same rib twice but clearly 2 different notes sound. are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone?


Apr 6, 2002
The 9800 should be able to handle all the games that come out in the near future fine. So you should be able to hold off on buying the next gen. cards until their prices drop a little as well.


I wouldn't be scared to upgrade. Many of us here swap cards around often without issues. Just take the extra few minutes to uninstall all the NV drivers and you should be fine.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
"Detonator RIP" from Guru3D works pretty good according to many (works with XP and Win2K).

<A HREF="http://www.guru3d.com/index.php?page=detonatorrip&menu=0" target="_new">http://www.guru3d.com/index.php?page=detonatorrip&menu=0</A>

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil: