Powerline adapter connection dropping


Jul 24, 2012
I have a NETGEAR Powerline 200Mbps Mini Adapter that I purchased back in late December. It worked fine for months. Then, starting about three weeks ago, it started to drop connection seemingly at random. Both adapters are the only things plugged into their respective outlets. I have tried several different outlets and it keeps happening. Usually, the connection will be fine when I first turn my PC on, then after about 30 minutes it will start. Sometimes when I do things that require a lot of bandwidth, like gaming or downloading, it will drop every 45 seconds.

This phenomena seemed to start in early May when Comcast (my ISP) did work in our neighborhood and took internet+TV down for several hours. Ever since they did that work, this has been happening. I'm not sure if the two are connected, but it certainly seems that way. Do powerline adapters have a reputation for giving out after a while? Would it even be worth it to try a new one, or if it happens to one will it happen to all?
If other devices on your network, but not on the Powerline adapters, are okay then you probably can exclude some Comcast related issue.

My suspect would be a overheating problem within one of the Powerline adapters. Can you correlate the "connection drops" with temperarture? Rooms are staying warmer now and less heat is being conducted away from the adapters.

Try a small fan to conduct away heat. If that delays the disconnect then pretty good chance that the adapter may be failing.

Do they feel hot? Check before use and monitor as your bandwidth use is increased.

If other devices on your network, but not on the Powerline adapters, are okay then you probably can exclude some Comcast related issue.

My suspect would be a overheating problem within one of the Powerline adapters. Can you correlate the "connection drops" with temperarture? Rooms are staying warmer now and less heat is being conducted away from the adapters.

Try a small fan to conduct away heat. If that delays the disconnect then pretty good chance that the adapter may be failing.

Do they feel hot? Check before use and monitor as your bandwidth use is increased.
