Powerline Adapter Help


Jul 15, 2012
I recently bought this powerline adapter kit-> http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=310

I have one plugged into our Cisco dpc3825 http://media.cox.com/support/images/internet/equipment/Cisco_DPC3825_front.jpg modem/router combo and the other one downstairs in a room.

I have connected a laptop and a desktop PC to the one downstairs. The laptop is receiving connection but the desktop activity/bytes/packets are moving very very very slow on the desktop [mostly not moving and when they move, they only move by a little].

However, even though they are moving a little, I cannot connect to any website. I am able to ping -t google.com through cmd and get this after a small test [Packets sent = 19, Received = 19, Lost = 0 <0% loss>. Minimum = 20ms, Maximum = 44ms, Average = 33ms]. So why can I not connect to the internet? 🙁

Any help would be awesome
I've never trusted the reliability of powerline. If it is anything like X-10, most any device plugged into a socket can create interferrence on the line. Sometimes special devices need installed in your breaker box to eliminate that interference.

Try moving it to different outlets to see if the speed changes on it. This will at least eliminate the adapter as a point of failure.
Was going to buy a new network card to see if that wasn't the issue. Before I decided to go out and buy one, I re-formatted and everything is runnin smoove.

Thanks for your time my friend.