S svonneke Reputable Jan 20, 2016 1 0 4,510 Jan 20, 2016 #1 hi i got a powerline of 3 pieces and my question was if i put one in the router can i use the other 2 at the same time?
hi i got a powerline of 3 pieces and my question was if i put one in the router can i use the other 2 at the same time?
B bill001g Titan Aug 9, 2012 29,252 3,098 128,640 Jan 20, 2016 #2 Yes they will form a mesh network between all three devices. Be sure to use the same brand and speeds. They are "suppose" to all be compatible but you see strange issues at times when you mix and match this stuff.
Yes they will form a mesh network between all three devices. Be sure to use the same brand and speeds. They are "suppose" to all be compatible but you see strange issues at times when you mix and match this stuff.