PowerLine Starts Lagging for no reason


Nov 11, 2017
So 2 months ago i bought a new PowerLine which on the first month was working pretty nice (solid 6 Mbps) but after 1 month it started lagging for no reason. From 6 Mbps i drop to 3 or even 1 Mbps until a do a factory reset to it. It started doing it so frequently that i reset it in daily basis. Today I was just watching random videos on Youtube when suddenly it started lagging, when i took a ping test i had 1.5 Mbps so i restarted it as usual. But when i did and checked again nothing changed it was still there. Please help i cant keep up with 1.5 Mbps. (My old PowerLine never did this, even though i had it 2 years and it was pretty old)