Powwer Supply causes GSOD on 2 PCs


Jul 22, 2015
Hey guy,

We are 2 people with a similar rig here and we have upgraded them in the last week for better cards:

OLD RIG x 2 ( each person one system )

Mainboard: Asus F2a55 ( FM2 board )
Processor: AMD Athlon X4 750k 3400 mhz Black Edition (( oc's itself to 3,7 ))
Ram: 2x Kingston 4 GB DDR3 - 1333mhz
Graphics: Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7770 oc to 1050mhz ( oc was set from manufraturer/brand )
Power Supply: POWER Green Power 2 ATX 550w
HDD: SAMSUNG HD502IJ SATA Disk Device 500gb

Problematic with old rig:

1 of the 2 PCs had no problem at all which was teh PC of my Spouse
my own PC got random game/desktop freezes in Warframe without error message .. i always had to press the rest button.

i ran every dignosis tool i could but no errors have been found back then..
then on an other game champions online i got BSODs in specific location.. it told me it was a memory leak from gfx card.. i think it was BSOD BB-code 106? dont remember anymore..

other games ran perfectly fine.. no problem.. even gta 5 on lowest settings caused no crashes at all...

but we wanted to upgrade anyway since gta 5 on low settings was a bit to low...
Her PC:

Mainboard: Asus F2a55 ( FM2 board )
Processor: AMD Athlon X4 750k 3400 mhz Black Edition (( oc's itself to 3,7 ))
Ram: 4x Kingston 4 GB DDR3 - 1333mhz
Graphics: XFX Radeon R9 270 x Double Dissipate Edition ( oc was set from manufraturer/brand )
Power Supply: POWER Green Power 2 ATX 550w
HDD: SAMSUNG HD502IJ SATA Disk Device 500gb
CPU cooling: Artic Freezer 13-CPU Cooler

My PC:

Mainboard: Asus F2a55 ( FM2 board )
Processor: AMD Athlon X4 750k 3400 mhz Black Edition (( oc's itself to 3,7 ))
Ram: DDR3RAM 2x 8GB DDR3-1866 Kingston HyperX FURY schwarz CL10 (( 1.866MHz ))
Graphics: XFX Radeon R9 270 x Double Dissipate Edition ( oc was set from manufraturer/brand )
Power Supply: POWER Green Power 2 ATX 550w
HDD: SAMSUNG HD502IJ SATA Disk Device 500gb
CPU cooling: Artic Freezer 13-CPU Cooler

after everything was installed we went ingame andplayed for hours then my PC Got GSOD (( a beige/grey sometimes light blueish screen with vertikal stripes... no error code just this screen and freeze.. after LOTS of research on the net i found out thd name GSOD...

this only happened to my PC... not to hers...
so what i did was re-installing windows...to make sure its isnt the system or the drivers.

then after all the GSOD came again...i was frsutrated and ran memory diagnostics and other toosl btu no problem were found...then we swapped the cards , she used mien and i used her... and i still got random GSODs... even when browsing...

then we swapped the Power Supplies... started GTA.. and played... and guess what?

now HER PC got the striped screen GSOD...

which seem to mean that "my" Power Supply is faulty ?! since she uses my PSU she gets teh GSOD.. i am not (( so far ))....

Note: when i researched the web abotu this i foudn almost all stuff.. peopels aid "its teh GFX card... or ITS THE RAM.. or RAM OF GFX CArd...or even " amd sucks" and all that...

only a few mentioned the power supply back then due to all the other opinions we didnt try swapping power supplies... which is a bit of luck in oru situation since we CAN swap so we are actualyl able to test such things due to the similiar rigs...

anyway i posted this just to put some info here for people who might have similar issues so they dont need to return their GFX cards in the first step...

i will keep this updated .. but it can take a long time until we have money for a new power supply.. since we just spent all we could effort for the gfx cards and coolers...

stay tuned

But why only one 1 PC ?

the other PC works fine with the same tyoe of PSU?
also that was all we can effort...and the PSUs have worked for years (( even rendering stuff with cienma 4D )) ...

a better power supply is like half month rent for my appartment :/

corsair? costs 120 euros.. but then i have to go ont he streets and beg for food...lol

It is LC-Power (( i used the text from my invoice document ))

Tiert list? what list and where?
My Hardware dealer said it is enough for teh stuff i have and as i said the other pc works fine with the same model of PSU oO


There is a Tier list for PSUs, basically they are rated on their quality based on components used, build and efficiency. The higher the better with 1 being the best and 5 being the "oh dear God people buy this?".

While a cheap PSU can work and last what this shows is that you have a very high chance of failure at some point in time as opposed to going with a much higher tier PSU that would lower your chances of failure/issues.

I learned this 10 years ago when I bought a BFG 850W. Had a surge and the PSU blew, yet my wife's system that had a older Thermaltake didn't even power off and laughed the surge off. Bought a Corsair TX850 and it lasted 5 years through some pretty bad lightning storms (monsoon season) and I sold it still working.

The PSU is very important to put money into. You don't need the best top of the line but never skimp to save money.

Thanks, do you have a "cheap" suggestion? im awfully broke atm and that wont change int he next 4 months so i need to get teh best for the lowest price possible :/

and suggestions are welcomed