I'm putting together a system for a friend and he really doesn't want to spend the cash for a copy of Windows. I myself have a pre-built system (with not too shabby specs) that came with Windows discs. Would I be able to use this disc on his build?
Doesn't hurt to try it -- Best case you install and activate and things are fine -- worse case it will not activate and you have to call MS and explain the situation with them and see if they will give you a working activation code. ( If they will not - hang up and call again and talk to someone else - since you will normally have a different rep on each call and some will do things that others will not - just be polite and explain the situation and many times they will get it working for you !)
So even though it's basically torenting it, because I'm letting him use it for free, they might just give me another code?
I think I may have misread your initial post -- I thought you were giving him the license and not using it yourself anymore !! --- (in which case they would most likely allow you to do that) -- If you mean to continue using your OS and allow him to install and use the same key then NO -- the license can only be used on 1 system at a time -- It will install to his system and one of two things will happen - 1.The activation will not work - so he will be able to use it for the 30 day trial period and then need to purchase a license or 2. once his is activated your copy will no longer "Legally" be useable -- It will still function but the next time you reload or upgrade components and need to reactivate it will not activate since the server will show that license already in use by another system (His system).
So not a good idea to use your license key to install to his system since it may make your system no longer function at some point in the future.
He just said he will probably just get it. I looked and Newegg doesn't have it, but Fry's does. Here's a link:
Newegg currently has it on Sale using Promo Code EMCJHJE33 -- for $79.99 also (the Fryes ad you posted says it is out of stock) The code is valid till 12/21/2011