Pre-Built PC Alternative



Hey there! I was wondering if anyone knew about a service where I can send my computer parts that I already bought to a person or place that assembles them for a small fee. I say this because I don't want to get a pre built pc but don't have the knowledge or experience to build a good looking that pc that works great. I plan on putting a lot of money into this pc and I dont think i have the skill to make it the best it can be.



I currently live in the United States. What I mean by "small fee" is something that's not like $500, I'm guessing you know about the insane amounts of money that pre-built pc companies add the actual computer. For example the actual computer is $1000 and then they add an extra $500 for profit.

its a standard pc?

ie no custom watercooling

should be able to find some one to do it reasonably cheap

though not in the usa so dont know who

but ideally you would want someone come to you to do it

or you will also have 2 postage costs to add on




I live in a pretty remote place, but I think theres a very small computer repair place but I think they only repair things like laptops but ill check. If they wont build the PC how might I find a place or person that will.



If they can't, they probably know someone who can.


I think you sell yourself short saying you can't do it, you can get on-line, you found this place, you bought the parts you want, right? There are lots of tutorials here and everywhere on the net on how to put together a machine, there is plenty of help on this forum to guide you along the way. It's not really hard, just plug everything in the right place, follow the instructions, take your time.

Video: How to Build a PC

its only hard when you push the power button for the first time and it doesnt work

way i see it you have 3 options

do it yourself

find a professional to do it--might involve sending all your expensive parts to them by post so you want to be sure they are kosher before doing that--but a pro should give some sort of guarantee on their work

or as said find a local enthusiast who will do it relatively cheaply simply because they enjoy doing it and would like to help you out



^^^ This.
It's not really that hard. Any rational 10 year old can put together a basic PC.



I have watched multuple videos on how to build a computer, and Ihave built one before. When I built it the cables were messy and cramped, half the ports on the computer didn't work due to improper wiring and some other stuff. Point is im putting $1800 in this PC and I want to make it work the best and perform the best it can, and as of right now I do not have that ability.


Bubba Feet

Nov 3, 2013
As some of the guys suggested local colleges usually have an IT department or have Computer Courses ask someone there if they'd be willing to do it for a small fee or simply for the experience (and you write a letter vouching for their work).

But don't be afraid to build it yourself. Simply go on youtube look at how to build a pc video to get the general idea, then start typing the parts of your pc (how to put ___CPU on a ___motherboard, or how to put ___ motherboard on a ___case). The hardest parts you'll freak out on are putting in your cpu/cpu cooler but ( most coolers have a video tutorial that cover amd and intel cpus) and putting in the front panel headers (this when there's no led for your power buttons and things don't turn on but you swear you did everything right), but simply relax and look at the case and motherboard manuals. It's a great feeling when you build your PC and it works.

As for a messy PC, you should be fine if your Power supply is modular (you can add and remove cables), if the case has space on the other side (the side were only the back of the motherboard is), and if you have something to tie the cables to the holes where you pass the cables.



I had a modular power supply.



Could you plug your parts into a parts list here and give us the link so we know what you have>

Where do you live? Maybe one of us can point you in the right direction in finding someone to do this for you. Or maybe make another post with your location and problem asking someone here if they live close enough and would help you out, never know. Sending parts is easy, sending back a PC without a proper shipping container could be a problem, they do get thrown around a bit.

