Prebuild Pc has Windows 7 but wont let me use the key.


Mar 12, 2015
So, I just spend $1200 on a new PC and I was hoping to use the key I got from my old Compaq but when I went to the Software Recovery at, it told me that the key belonged to the prebuild Compaq and that I couldn't use it.
My question is, can I use the migration software from samsung to move the OS to an SDD?
Thanks in advance everyone, cheers.
The oem copy that came with the Compaq is tied to that system and cannot be used on another system. You will need to buy a license for the new system.
No you have an OEM key, which is only good for a one-shot activation as it is bound to the mobo to stop it being transferred to another computer.
You should contact Microsoft and tell them you need to transfer it as the original PC is no longer functioning and you need to re-register Windows on another computer. Again this will only work once and they may not do it, although you can re-install many times on the same PC.
The SSD in your new PC? No, that won't work.

1. OEM license for the Compaq is tied to that Compaq motherboard.

2. If you clone the Compaq HDD to an SSD, and put it in your new PC, it almost certainly will not boot.

Your new PC needs a new OS.
You will need to purchase Windows 8.1 from a retailer or online since the old Windows 7 product key cannot be transferred to a new motherboard and hard drive. If you still want Windows 7, though, you can purchase it as an OEM license online. But keep in mind that an OEM Windows 7 can only be used on one motherboard. If you want to be able to reuse Windows on future motherboard upgrades, then you'll need this full version of Windows:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit) ($99.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $99.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-03-26 05:56 EDT-0400
Honestly guys, contact MS and tell them the previous PC is no longer functioning so you need to transfer your licence to the new PC, as you want to re-install over and keep all your files and settings. They don't advertise it but they do it.
I've only had success doing it once, have only attempted once, my mobo fried a few years ago and had to be replaced so I explained the situation and they let me use the licence again. It was an oem copy of Win 7 Pro.

If you don't ask you don't get 😉

Thanks Andrew and everyone else, I will contact Microsoft and see what they say.