Prefered OS to sell


Aug 18, 2015
I try to compare the things I sell to eBay sold listings and it appears my Dell D620 laptop sells for more money with XP Pro and less for 7 or 10. Is XP still that desireable to fetch premium price? I'm not getting any response with win10 locally.
The other thing you need to consider is whether or not it's Windows 7 Basic, Home, Premium/Ultimate or Windows 7 Professional. Also, check to make sure Dell actually provides Windows 7 drivers for the laptop. If not, that could be why the Wndows 7 laptops are going for less.

-Wolf sends
The other thing you need to consider is whether or not it's Windows 7 Basic, Home, Premium/Ultimate or Windows 7 Professional. Also, check to make sure Dell actually provides Windows 7 drivers for the laptop. If not, that could be why the Wndows 7 laptops are going for less.

-Wolf sends

Yes, despite what many would have you believe, XP remains popular with many...especially on Ebay and Amazon. When I went to buy my XP Pro SP3 Install CD last year, I had to fight hard to get it for less than $75. When I tried to get a backup copy a few months ago, not one was under $200. When I went to Ebay to buy a used PC with XP Pro already installed, it took three months to find one at a reasonable price...even then I had to cheat with Auction Sniper!
Right now just about everyone has heard what a corporate-malware infested trainwreck Win10 your Win10 for a couple years, and try again. By then the Microsoft propaganda machine will have buried the relevant info in Google, and their spin doctors will have convinced everyone how very wonderful Win10 is.
Don't see why you don't just use Linux then. It's kinda weird to not use Windows 10 because of "corporate malware" and instead use what is becoming a very insecure operating system that is susceptible to actual malware and will only get worse on that front.

I'm not really seeing a distinct difference in prices when comparing XP, 7 and 10. They seem to be selling for about $80 on average. I searched the sold listings, btw.

Your question is one of a personal nature. Depending on the person's needs they might not use XP because of lack of driver support. Find a hardcore gamer using XP. Others don't really need 10 and are content with 7 or XP. There OS isn't broke so why fix it. There's a preferred OS for everyone but I don't see the OS having a big impact on the price point over at eBay, at least where the D620 is concerned.

Old hardware does , oddly enough, seem to be more expensive. The supply is down so the price goes up. Basic...

@Skygee Your PC is only as transparent as you allow it to be. I'm blocking a lot of lines of communication with multiple programs. is one line that Cortana uses, er used to use. There are registry tweaks, script blockers, "beacon blockers", firewalls and so many other tools available to restrict as much info as possible. Can you be invisible to M$? I am only using something they own so, Idk.

My PC has a secondary HDD and eventually a Linux distro will go there. Right now I'm fooling with various distros via LiveCD, as I look for one I like the best. Even so, all those Linux install CDs I have (over 25 now), all use kernel 2.6.29 or earlier, so none likely measure up to your standards, as all would be considered outdated. I do not have a problem with going 'legacy'. If any such major problem ever happens, then maybe I'll rethink that stance, but frankly I'm quite as doubtful of that as The Amazing Randi is of the paranormal. All this stuff about "insecure operating system", malware, zombienets, and similar bugaboos was trumpeted by Microsoft when Win98 & Win 2000 went EOL/EOS. Turns out about the only major problem the current users face is finding hardware that will run it. I have no doubt XP will be the same.

Just checked the prices at Ebay for XP Pro SP3, and its running $99 to $129 for new factory-sealed, which is the only sort you would want to buy. You can find really cheap stuff for $29, but buyer beware, and when you dig into the listing you will soon know why.

With enough effort you can be more "invisible to M$" than those that do not try, and way more than them using Win10. Use XPlite Pro to cut bloatware like IRC, Telnet, and other darlings of the hackers. Nuke IE, and most if not all of XP 'phone-home' capability is kaput. I suspect one does not have to be 100% invisable, just enough to monkeywrench their modus operandi.