fixthat :
I try to compare the things I sell to eBay sold listings and it appears my Dell D620 laptop sells for more money with XP Pro and less for 7 or 10. Is XP still that desireable to fetch premium price? I'm not getting any response with win10 locally.
I'm not really seeing a distinct difference in prices when comparing XP, 7 and 10. They seem to be selling for about $80 on average. I searched the sold listings, btw.
Your question is one of a personal nature. Depending on the person's needs they might not use XP because of lack of driver support. Find a hardcore gamer using XP. Others don't really need 10 and are content with 7 or XP. There OS isn't broke so why fix it. There's a preferred OS for everyone but I don't see the OS having a big impact on the price point over at eBay, at least where the D620 is concerned.
Old hardware does , oddly enough, seem to be more expensive. The supply is down so the price goes up. Basic...
@Skygee Your PC is only as transparent as you allow it to be. I'm blocking a lot of lines of communication with multiple programs. is one line that Cortana uses, er used to use. There are registry tweaks, script blockers, "beacon blockers", firewalls and so many other tools available to restrict as much info as possible. Can you be invisible to M$? I am only using something they own so, Idk.