Preparing for Ryzen


Nov 12, 2014
Hello everyone,

I am very excited about the launch of Ryzen and cannot wait to see real world benchmarks.

I have waited years for a decent CPU to be released so I can update my aging Sandy Bridge 2600K computer. It looks like Ryzen will be up to the challenge after years of boring Intel releases

So... I would love to get suggestions on a build. I have not owned an AMD computer since the days of the Athlon 2400+ so I am completely out of touch with chipsets and coolers for AMD CPUs.

My decision on what CPU to buy will depend on benchmarks but right now I think the 1700 seems to be the best value for my use. If the 1700x is a lot faster, I might be tempted to spend the extra money. My main goal is to have a virtual reality ready computer. I currently run a 9700 GTX and plan on keeping it till the 1170 (or equivalent) comes out next year.

My usage is mostly gaming, video editing, web editing, photo editing. So nothing really insane, Video editing will be the most demanding thing I will do on that computer until I buy a Vive or Rift.

So a few specific questions:
I read that over 80 motherboards will be available. I do not intend on overclocking beyond what the CPU can do on it's own. Any suggestions on a good board without extravagant things like RGB lighting? I do want the support for M.2 and USB 3 and USB 3.1 but I am guessing that should be standard on all boards. Decent sound is also important since I will not be using an add on sound card. My computer will be used on my plasma TV and I need an optical jack to hook up to the home theatre system. I run a 5.1 configuration.

For CPU cooling, I am thinking about getting the best air cooler I can get. I have no interest in custom waterloops and AIO water blocks scare me a little since there is no way to do maintenance on them and as far as I know maintenance is required on water cooling solutions. Also since I won't be overclocking I doubt I would benefit from the extra cooling.

Well that's about it for now, I am very happy about AMD getting back in the race. Last few years has clearly shown what happens when a company has total domination of a market. If they could do the same with their graphic cards it would be awesome 😉
Preparation #1, save up money.
You waited this long so you can wait few more days to get concrete offers. "B" motherboards sound about right for average user.