Presidential debate 10/03/2012 now on youtube!

I've been watching for a bit.. and all I can say is that I'm embarassed for President Obama. He seems ill prepared, studdering a lot when having to explain himself, but has excellent presentation of his key talking points. Romney is doing pretty well, I would say spectacular, but I think he realizes that Obama's ability to debate and elaborate isn't the issue; the issue is Obama's ability to connect is lacking.
When youve concentrated on making someone as out of touch, heartless, the bad guy ard you cant defend, you look small.
Saying someone will do this when they say they arent going to do that very thing brings out a trust issue, and then makes you only have to concentrate on your opponent.
This is not what Obama wants, and he couldnt stop it from happening.

The predescribed monster Romney, who was supposedly out of touch, with no real plans is not what the world saw tonight.
Romney should have really wiped that stupid grin off of his face. He seriously looked like he had a mental disorder.

Romney was still too light on details, and the president was being way too professional, which made Romney look more relaxed. Romney won in the sense that he didnt act too much like a robot.
It was interesting to see that Obama had no response to any of the times Romney stated that Obama promised to lower the debt but only ended up increasing the national debt.

It was interesting to hear Romney state that Obama dumped $90Billion into green energy and then say that amount of money could have bolstered the domestic oil and coal production for the next 50 years; Obama could only look down at his shoes.

It was clear that Romney painted two very different paths for America, Obama for more Big Government spending, additional debt, the continued crushing of the middle class, and increased government oversight/regulation compared to Romney wanting to remove the Federal Government from the free markets and private enterprise and let the States to take the lead for health care, education, and Medicare/MediAid.

It became obvious that Obama has a tenuous grasp, at best, of economics and that he believes the proper place for government is to provide for the People rather than providing the framework that frees the People to achieve for themselves.

I think one of the most telling moments of Obama's belief that government provides better for the People than the private free market is when he cited removing the banks (the middle man) from providing student loans. You had to read between the lines to understand that what he really said was that Obama took the banks out of the equation and put in place a government agency to provide the very same student loans. Since when was the function of government to provide loans to private citizens, there are no enumerated powers in the Constitution that I have ever read that states that loans are within the purview of any branch of the government.

It wasn't the best debate I've ever watched but it certainly was the most telling of the contrasts between the two candidates.

I am looking forward to the next two debates.
Well this debate changed my impression of Romney considerably - he actually seems like he stands a chance of winning next month. Before, it was President Incompetent vs. Challenger Bozo. I might actually go out and register to vote tomorrow 😀, since Virginia is one of the toss-up states. However northern VA is a bastion of idiotic liberals & Democraps...

Interesting statistic on ABC after the debate - seems conservatives outnumber liberals 2:1 in the USA. So if last night fired up Romney's base, I'd bet the polls show the race tightening up..
Absolutely! I definitely got the impression that Romney was getting on Obama's nerves with being constantly reminded of his failed promises.
I think the perception that Romney won is being overplayed, while he did win overall there was no knockout punchs. Romney won because he did not lose which is exactly what he needed to keep his campaign alive. Obama looks a lot older after 4 years in the white house.

Wow, you didn't watch the debate did you? Because you rehashed EXACTLY what the Left commentators are saying. The problem with this statement is that the entire thing was so heavily on Romney's side that nothing stuck out more than the other. The entire debate crushed him;

Yes, you are correct. There is no single soundbyte available for media to replay to get to the uninformed.
Yes Romney's grin, always smiling no matter what obama said, was scary. I thought of the joker and: "Why so serious?" 😀

The only time Romney seemed to fluster a bit was at the debate about taxation and the $5 billion reduction Obama kept on pestering him about.

And of course twitter and facebook exploding @ #bigbird
Romney won because he didn't fail. Everyone set the bar so low for him when he did OK everyone seems to take this as a win.

No one gaffed, no real slips by either candidate, no ground given or taken. It was a toss up that we gave to Romney because everyone expected much less.

I can be a little more specific if you want. I think Romney won on the economy and taxes while Obama won on entitlements and healthcare. Romney's presentation was better but used more rhetoric.
Obama looked cold and non connecting, offering little, contrasted by Romney, who time and again had to use the "there you go again" remarks about his character assassination.
If you and the MSM tell a lie often enough, it still isnt a fact
I don't watch debates, I listen. Think back to Clinton/Bush running. Clinton was alive and dynamic. Bush was "presidential". That is code for ; You give your life, literally, to the Country and the Position. I respect them all, even if I don't agree.
"Cutting PBS support (0.012% of the budget) to help balance the Federal budget is like deleting text files to make room on your 500Gig hard drive"
-Neil Degrass Tyson

Adding advertising creates jobs, makes more revenue for the government and is the rest of the story.
But since all this is more than you I or Tyson could ever make in 10 lifetimes, its meaningless, and of course, would keep on paying and adding and reducing long after we are all dead, but who cares
PBS gets most of it's federal funding from a National Science Foundation grant. I don't think the president has the authority to dictate the recipients of NSF grants, but he and congress can cut the NSF's budget. Of course, how would it sound if Romney said he wanted to "Cut funding to the National Science Foundation" instead of "Cut funding to PBS?" That sounds more on par with cutting education funding to me.

But aren't those programs just for "Poor kids, ahem, low income earners..."

Therein lies the problem of our government, where the rich get richer and the poor dont get their dollar, as any monies is spent as they seem where and best.

“I am very proud to say that we had elected our first black president. I’m sorry he didn’t do a better job. I really wish he would have, I do. But, the facts are the facts, and we just saw them come to light in the last debate. With no outside BS, no bias media involved, no interruptions, and negative political ads every five seconds, and most importantly no d**n teleprompters. Yeah, I enjoyed it so much I think I might throw a kegger for the Ryan-Biden debate.”

I heard some stuff about it. I heard Stewart got O'Reilly on Corporations taking advantage of gov't tax loopholes, yet people taking advantage of the gov't offering foo stamps.

At a high level I agree with Stewart and thought it was funny. When viewing it realistically, I see if differently though. Sad part, some people never look deeper and think/vote on that high level overview.
Not to go too far off-topic, but I watched the VP debate last night. Ryan was too polite, letting both Bigmouth Biden and the moderator interrupt him when he still had time on the clock. Biden looked over-the-top with all the chuckling & grinning going on. According to the polls he alienated some of the independents, but then his job was to fire up his base so he probably didn't care too much. He also fired up the Republicans apparently. Ryan came across looking more presidential than Jibber Jabber Joe, who lost no opportunity to bring up Romney's "47%" remark to compensate for Obama's mysterious failure.