Presidential privelidge: usues and misuses

Speaking to CNN host Larry King, Obama said the Bush administration had a tendency to "hide behind executive privilege every time there's something a little shaky that's taking place."

We remember how Nixon tried using this to cover up the cover up, Bush used it for reasons later disclosed as reasonable, currently Obama is as well, even after his possibly perceived hypocritical remarks earlier about Bush.
I wonder why there isnt a bipartisan group sworn to secrecy to resolve these types of matters, with leaks if they would happen, be considered somewhat treasonous
Thing is, we as Americans are given the right to a quick trial, but often, and even here, were it to go to findings, it would be long after the election.
Sorting thru a WH innercom vs a particular issue needs to be addressed, none of us want a pile of garbage being spewed long after someone leaves office
Do you think Obama is really covering something up by invoking these executive privilege?
I dont know, and if he is doing this, only 3 outcomes comes to mind.
The requested material contains workings in the way, who does and how the White House goes about their daily business, which can contain even certain personal comments that could be embarassing to many an individual.
The material could contain things to be seen by certain individuals only, for security reasons.
The material requested contains things that would compromise either himself or his admin, Holder or those under him.

This also deflects from election issues that do matter to those that arent in anyones camp already.
Depending on how it plays out, and its already started, the media and the dems can paint the repubs as demons and Obama and his admin as victims.

I dont think it was done for non related national concerns, but we wont truly know until after the election, which is too slow