pressing ctrl+space mute audio

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Sep 10, 2018
Hello, sorry for week english.
when i press ctrl+space it toggles audio mute and unmute, i am not listing to songs though.
how to fix this issue.

send a pic of a screenshot of the sound device program (not the windows "sound") but the program from realtek or what sound you use.

can you please help me how to change or remove that hotkey, in realtek manager i couldn't find any hotkey.

send a pic of a screenshot of the sound device program (not the windows "sound") but the program from realtek or what sound you use.

hey bro' thanks for help! i reinstalled realtek audio driver but problem was still exist. i connect other keyboard and that one is work properly so problem was not in driver or any other software. perhaps there is something that make own key combination when i press ctrl+spacebar.
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