Previous overclock has failed...?


Aug 11, 2013
This problem seems to be recurring and very annoying thing in MSI motherboards. When I first got the board I was at a stable clock of 4.5GHz and now i'm at 4.3GHZ because it keeps saying the previous overclock has failed, this usually happens a week after I overclock it can be shorter or longer. This is very irritating especially if this means your ability to overclock is limited, now my CPU is just barely keeping up with my GPU. Does anyone have a solution to stop this from happening? Can't seem to find answers at all.
if you use any Software or auto tune to overclock this happens after a few days, manually OC yourself and test it with Various Programs, Render a 4k Video for 2-3hour using x264, use OCCt to test AVX for 1hour and game for a few hours before saying its stable, this happens with alot of people they think it was stable because it ran games and all your stuff for a few days then Blue screen, it just mean it was never stable to begin with.
if you use any Software or auto tune to overclock this happens after a few days, manually OC yourself and test it with Various Programs, Render a 4k Video for 2-3hour using x264, use OCCt to test AVX for 1hour and game for a few hours before saying its stable, this happens with alot of people they think it was stable because it ran games and all your stuff for a few days then Blue screen, it just mean it was never stable to begin with.

I rarely get blue screens unless there is something wrong with voltages. Instead this black screen with the message pops up.

a bad mobo is not likely Raiin most likely correct i have had plenty of occasion were a week or even more the overclock fails on me and i have to raise the voltage or drop the clock

My voltages have already been adjusted to about 1.4 which is indeed (what i think) way over for what it should be for a 4.3 clock speed.