So yesterday everything was fine , and good my computer freeze only 2 times when i used Fl Studio. But however i could restart my pc without any problem. So here is the thing! I was going to sleep after it and on the morning i tried to start my computer , but nothing happened . I was not even reaching the bios, the monitor was black , and sometimes its said there is no signal . Later i tried to fix this with my friend , i removed the battery from the mother board , took out the rams , change the video card to another slot but nothing worked. We was about to give up , and so i placed back the video card for one more time . And its worked! So i was happy everything was fine , be we still didn't knew what was the problem . Anyway at the night while i was playing my screen froze and i could not restart the pc . Same thing that happened before . I Changed the cpu to another one , and it worked fine with it . But then after i turned it off and on again i got blue death before i windows could load. Now i reinstalled my pc , and its works again but not with my Cpu. I don't know what to do now , so i ask for help here and i hope i will get the solution here , thanks for every help .
Videocard: Asus Ati r9270x
Motherboard: Asus m5a99fx pro r2.0
Videocard: Asus Ati r9270x
Motherboard: Asus m5a99fx pro r2.0