~$200-ish if you can find a buyer.
I would suggest trying to part it, but even at that...I have had a 4590 for sale locally for a week at $50 and have had zero bites. I don't really want to pay to list it on eBay for that kind of price, cheaper just to let it sit here. Funny thing is the same and earlier gen of i7 are getting $100 all day long....
anywho….perhaps 60-80 for the video card, being a mini will hurts it's resale. Think around $30 for the SSD and the HDD you likely can't give away, they are cheap all over the place. The RAM is also almost a giveaway for DDR3. If your mobo is something special you might get good resale on it. If it's run of the mill I doubt there will be much demand.
Would probably register the Win10 to your email and reuse it, if possible just to save yourself from buying again. I will point out that if you sell the mobo and proc as a combo it likely could authenticate on the digital license and cost you the activation.